Best Shower Cleaner Ever

My husband’s old job was gross. He would come home covered in metal shavings, grease, and who knows what else! For years I had used Scrubbing Bubbles and a Mr. Clean Magic eraser, only to STILL scrub until my wrists are numb. One day I was out of the Scrubbing Bubbles, and as a newbie to Pinterest at the time, I thought that I would look for a “holdover”  bathtub cleaner recipe. I was shocked to find that I find a miracle instead of a temporary fix. SERIOUSLY!! This stuff is simple to make, and if you get a ring in your bath like us, you will be glad you tried this. I need to take pictures next time and add them, but for now I beg you to trust me on this. It’s green, it costs pennies, and your wrists are going thank you.


 **Bathtub Cleaner (for ring in tub and other tough spots)**

Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of dish soap. Mix into a paste. Apply to dirt in tub, and gently swirl. I just use my fingertips, but a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a lovely booster too if you have one handy.

 YES, it’s really that simple. There shouldn’t be any hard scrubbing, and this will easily rinse away. This recipe is for small amounts (think of it as trial size), but in time, you won’t need to measure, you will know to just throw some baking soda and soap in a little bowl, and get to work. I hope that this is something that you love as much as I do. 🙂

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About bloggermomjamie

Mom, Wife, Life-Liver, Business Woman

Posted on January 20, 2014, in Home Life and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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